Kaivon has recently established his presence on the scene with his impromptu debut single releases all following a theme of “rebirth.” Through these single releases, Kaivon aims to tell the story of how one can lose themselves over the course of their lives, and then be reborn into their true beings. Evidently, Kaivon’s message has resonated with his audience as he has already garnered world-wide fans since he debuted this past year. Kaivon has emphasized that he only wants to put out solo originals for the time being because he wants his true, vulnerable self to be conveyed to the world. We all experience a point in our lives where we reevaluate everything we have done to that point and decide whether we continue this life, or we decide to be symbolically reborn into a new one. Kaivon has been reborn and wants to tell his story to the world through music. However, his main goal is to inspire you to be reborn into your true self in your own unique and spiritual way. “I want to make music that inspires people to be the true versions of themselves. That makes people feel feelings they have never felt before. To make people live in the present moment for just a second because those moments when we are all hand in hand and time stops… are the most beautiful sights I have ever seen.” -Kaivon